Tonight I was reading through my Facebook feed which is normal behavior for me. I started reading through the posts and came across one from a friend of mine that had a ton of comments. The topic was gay marriage. I read through each comment. There were posts supporting both sides. A few people were yelling (you know-typing in all caps) at each other. They called each other racist, which had nothing to do with the post. From them, things got a little ridiculous, but the other comments were really good. I finally responded (of course you know I can't keep my mouth shut!) I thought I would copy those thoughts into my blog just in case anyone cared what I thought about it! So here you go:
So I wasn't going to weigh in, but you (I've left the names out) know me well enough to know that I can rarely keep my mouth shut so
here's my two cents...I'll start by saying that I am a "born again
Christian" and I believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. I
also believe that God gives us free will to live our lives and I am
thankful for His grace each and every day that is given to me freely so
that I can remain in relationship with Him even when I screw up beyond
belief. I am not gay, I haven't cheated on my husband of 19 years, nor
have I owned slaves. I have however sinned by saying things that don't
always lift people up, I've gossiped before (*not a reference to my recent life change!), I weigh 80 pounds more than
I should (not a particularly popular sin with lots of pastors here in
the south!) and I've certainly had hateful thoughts before. I love all
people - gay, straight, black, white, whatever and I hope that you two
know me well enough to know that is true! I believe that everyone
was/is created equally, but what we choose to do with our lives and how
we choose to live is completely up to us. I believe that there are many
things in popular culture that go against God's will, but I believe
that His grace is enough to cover anything. Now onto the topic at
hand...I think where most Christians get it wrong is that the government
isn't here to legislate morality. I don't want them to legislate
morality for me or anyone else. Here in the Bible belt I think it can
often be difficult for some people to look into the future and see the
possibility of a time when the "morality" that may be legislated may
require Christians to do things that go against the very core of our
beliefs. (A Biblical example of this would be Daniel.) Prayer in
school falls into this category. Lots of Christians have strong
opinions that public prayer should be allowed in school. My question to
them would be, "What if the teacher is Muslim or Buddhist or Hindu or
even a Satanist? (We are ignorant to think that can't be.) Would you
want those prayers to be made public in school? Is that what you would
want your children to hear?" I think the answer would be a resounding
"NO!" yet when morality is legislated this is one of the many issues
that we will be forced to deal with. I want to live in a country that
allows me to worship as I please. To do this, we must also allow others
to worship as they please. God will be the judge. No matter how legal
or illegal something is, God gets the final say in it all. I feel no
threat on my traditional marriage by those who are gay that want to be
married. I have lots of gay friends, whether they are legally married,
in a civil union together, live together, etc. makes no difference as to
whether it is a sin or not. Being married doesn't make it any more or
less of a sin.
I would love to read your comments if you feel like sharing!
I'll be blogging again soon! I have some stuff I want to say about a few things - as usual!!!
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